LET’S TALK! If This Girl Was Your Daughter And She Did This Silly Thing, What Would You Do?
All the children of nowadays ehn! All they know is just to twerk and nothing more. Many of them have nothing on…
Thursday, May 07, 2020All the children of nowadays ehn! All they know is just to twerk and nothing more. Many of them have nothing on…
KIKI minaj Thursday, May 07, 2020How Did This Woman Get On This Okada? am still wondering..
KIKI GIST Friday, December 06, 2019Picture Below is a Before and After photo of Beauty Queen, Beauty Istifanus , the 2015 Queen of Commonwealth N…
KIKI GIST Saturday, April 08, 2017Twitter user based in Lagos, Damilola, shared the image of the shocking and extensive list compiled by a Lagos tailo…
KIKI minaj Monday, April 03, 2017A Twitter user, @callmebosslady says she is about to travel down to Lagos to beat up her cousin and her ex-boyfriend……
KIKI minaj Wednesday, March 29, 2017Viral Video: wOOw! Extremely Stunning Dance Steps Of These Kids Got Viewers Screaming Out Loud! These kids got vie…
KIKI GIST Sunday, March 26, 2017Everyone waxes nostalgic when they remember their childhoods. If you had a bad childhood, don’t worry I’m abou…
KIKI GIST Wednesday, March 15, 2017Hehehe and she did it PUBLICLY. Like hey, don’t even dare. Who else can do this? My chest!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The vide…
KIKI GIST Saturday, March 04, 2017Fresh from our hub, we present to you the Popular “Jenifa’s Diary”. Download FULL SEASON(s) and episode(…
KIKI minaj Friday, February 24, 2017This is serious, who is gonna settle this fight now? when you give two blind men money to share, and there is …
KIKI GIST Tuesday, February 21, 2017PHOTO: Whose chicken is this, biko? Lol
KIKI GIST Tuesday, February 21, 2017A huge-bOoobed girl left many shocked inside a tattoo shop after her bre@st exploded as she was getting a tattoo. A…
KIKI GIST Friday, February 17, 2017Nawa ooo… People dey para gaan!!!
KIKI GIST Wednesday, January 18, 2017Nollywood Star Actress AdaoraUkoh got it right in the eyes of the women, but not in the eyes of men and tradition…
KIKI GIST Saturday, January 14, 2017This Video is one comedy is one i can’t just stop but keep watching over and over again..
KIKI GIST Friday, January 13, 2017Jenifa’s Diary Complete Season 7 Episode 6 Complete Full Download Fresh from our hub, we present to you the Popular…
KIKI GIST Wednesday, January 11, 2017Continue after the cut. Looool
KIKI GIST Wednesday, January 11, 2017SO HILARIOUS!!! When Giving................Gist in an African Home always beware of your environment Download come…
KIKI GIST Saturday, January 07, 2017Lolz.. so funny, that moment when your trying to stay away from guys because of you’re fine girl and you mistakenly …
KIKI minaj Sunday, December 11, 2016When you realise the weekend is almost here. Song by@djjimmyjatt ft @sheliroy – #Eledamasun… Learn Outrageous Da…
KIKI GIST Sunday, November 27, 2016