It was revealed that Daddy Freeze had carnal knowledge of Elechi while she was still married to Paul Odekina, and this posed as a heinous crime before the court.
Consequently, Hon Justice Akpughunum; the judge who presided over the case, ruled that Daddy Freeze pays the sum of N5m as ‘damages for depriving Odekina amiable consort of his wife’.
Below is the verdict of the judge:
“The sum of N5,000,000 is awarded against Ifedayo Olarinde (the 2nd Cross Respondent to the Cross Petition) as damages for depriving the Cross Petitioner of the amiable consort of his wife (Petitioner/1st Cross Respondent) and for injury suffered as a result of his adultery with the Petitioner/Cross Respondent.
An Order of injunction is hereby granted, preventing Ifedayo Olarinde ― the Co-Respondent to the Cross Petition ― from having access or dealing whatsoever with the children of the marriage until they attain the age of majority.”
The court also ruled that the children that came due to the union between Benedicta and Paul Odekina, be handed over to the latter:
It reads:
“The custody of the three children of the marriage is hereby granted to the Respondent/Cross Petitioner. To give effect to the proposed arrangement for the educational advancement welfare and health of the children of the marriage, the Petitioner/Cross Respondent is hereby ordered and directed to hand over the international passports and birth certificates of the children to the Respondent/Cross Petitioner.”