WhatsApp is moving into the process of turning the intuitive WhatsApp dark mode into reality, and you can enjoy the new look of the largest social networking app.
Although the WhatsApp dark mode has not yet been officially launched, you can still try these quick steps and get a dark mode effect on all Android or iOS devices. Here you will find the different steps to change the dark mode on all applications, including WhatsApp Dark Mode.
How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on iOS
To enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on iOS, you will need to tweak some settings as official WhatsApp dark mode is yet to be released. Here is a workaround to experience dark mode on WhatsApp.
Step 1. Go to ‘Settings’ on your iPhone and opt for ‘General’.
Step 2. Go to the ‘Accessibility’ option and select ‘Display Accommodations’.
Step 3. Here you will find ‘Invert Colors’, select ‘Smart Invert’ for better performance.
Step 4. For WhatsApp chat threads, you will have to choose dark or no wallpaper. To do the same, go to ‘WhatsApp Settings’ and navigate to ‘Wallpaper’ and select ‘None’ or a dark wallpaper.
How to Enable WhatsApp Dark Mode on Android
To check which version you currently have, long-press the app icon and select ‘App info’. If you don’t have the latest version, you can download any available updates by visiting the WhatsApp page in the Google Play Store and look for an ‘Update’ button.
If there’s no ‘Update’ option visible, you can also download the APK for WhatsApp 2.20.13 and install it manually.
Once that’s done, restart the app and tap ‘Settings’ in the top right corner, followed by ‘Chats’. You’ll see a new ‘Theme’ option at the top. This will let you choose between light and dark modes, and if you’re using Android 10, you’ll be able to choose ‘System default’ to match the app to your system-wide settings. If you’re using Android 9 or earlier, you’ll be able to activate dark mode whenever your phone enters Battery Saver mode.
Step 1. Open ‘Settings’ on your Android device and go to ‘Display’.
Step 2. Select ‘Theme’ and then select ‘Dark’. In newer versions of Android, you may also look for ‘Wallpapers and Themes’ and search for ‘Dark Mode’ themes and apply them.
“If you want to enable dark mode settings on other apps of your device, you may follow these steps.”
Step 1. Once you have enabled dark mode setting on your device, go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘About phone’.
Step 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and look for ‘Build number’ and tap on it seven times to ender developer mode.
Step 3. A message will pop-up saying ‘Developers Options is Turned ON’. Here you can tap on ‘Override force-dark’ to apply the dark mode theme on all other apps.
Since WhatsApp Dark Mode is now activated, the wallpaper in the chat thread must also be set as a dark or non-existent wallpaper to enjoy dark mode during the entire session. You just need to go to WhatsApp Settings and go to ‘Wallpapers’. Select ‘None’ and you’re ready to go.