Even if it is to begin adding the simplest 1 plus another 1, we will arrive at 2 someday. The discovery of the greatest invention of all time never started with the Almighty Formula. It all started by placing one brick on top the other, adding 1 + 1, etc. If it is worth starting with inventing sticks (toothpicks) for picking the teeth, “LET US START”. We have to be determined to become achievers and have the name of this nation written in stones of history.

The science and technology discoveries and inventions of America can not make Europe great, the discoveries of Russia can not be shared with China. Each nation with their winning secrets and weapons of success. That’s why they are all unique and known for one great thing or the other. They were determined and never did they relent.
If by tomorrow India finally breaks the news of being the fourth nation to land on moon, remember it is not journey of yesterday. And remember, it is not science or technology borrowed from Iraq or Israel that landed them in that success. Obviously, India has been adding the simplest 1 + 1 together many years ago and today they are solving the most complex and difficult problems as if it’s still 1 + 1.
In the history book of everything and anything success, where are we? What do we plan to tell generations yet unborn. How do we explain that we fell, but we failed to rise and try again. How do we explain that many years ago, we couldn’t produce common rice in our own country and people died because they accidentally consumed plastic rice that was imported into our nation simply because we don’t care to regulate ourselves internally, neither do we understand the external.
Our economy is far below standard. The value of Nigerian Naira was golden decades ago. But today, the Naira value deteriorates with the speed of lightning. Yet, the average Nigerian can not boast of 10 pieces of N1,000 Naira note in savings in 1 month. Meanwhile, the rich stockpile millions and billions of Naira (sometimes dollar) underground and abroad knowing not who will spend it or what they intend to do with it.
Nigerians, It is not a shame to fall. The beginning of success is to learn to rise after every fall. Let us begin to add our 1 + 1 together today and everyday so that we can have a place in the book of history tomorrow. It’s not by the number of world richest men and women we have produced. It is not by the numbers of crude oil we have exported, not even by how many foot soldiers we have. What is important is to learn to transform Nigeria from “Underdeveloped” to a Developed nation. Our children and generations yet unborn will be forever grateful.
It begins with you and I. Let us begin to change the way we visualize money, wealth, riches and luxury. They are vanity. We will all die and leave them behind one day. Our treasure lies in the number of successes we celebrate and the position we put Nigeria in the world map of great nations.
Thank you all for reading. Please remember to share this message with family and friends.
A Sad Nigerian Youth (IG: @htweet1)