Easter is here with us already and KIKIGIST has an idea of a sumptuous meal to make for the family.

Coconut fried rice is a delicious variation of the basic fried rice.
It is very simple and easy to prepare. There isn’t that much of a difference, the only main addition is either coconut milk or coconut shavings.
Here is how to prepare this recipe.
Ingredients for a family of four
2 medium sized coconuts, blended and the milk extracted.
Rice – 1 Derica cup
Seasoning – 4 cubes
Salt- To taste
Curry and thyme – 1 teaspoon each
Bay Leaves – (optional)
Pepper flakes – 1 tablespoon
Oil – 4 Tablespoons
Onion (chopped) – 1/2 medium
Carrots- 5 big ones
Sweet corn -A Tin
Spring onions- A hand full
Green Pepper – 1 big one
Green Peas- A hand full
Green beans – A Hand full
Shrimps or Liver (optional)
Chicken or Turkey – As much as you want
Directions:Cook the well seasoned Chicken or/and Turkey until its soft.
Then place a pot on medium heat, add in the Chicken/Turkey stock, coconut milk, water, salt, curry, thyme, bay leaves and 2 seasoning cubes.
Cover the pot until the mixture comes to a rolling boil.
Add in already washed rice.
Simmer on low-medium heat until rice is cooked and there is no more liquid in the rice.
Set aside to cool completely.
In a large skillet, heat up the oil.Add in the chopped onions, shrimps, pepper flakes, thyme, maggi and mixed vegetable.
Stir fry for 2- 3 minutes.Taste and adjust for seasoning.Stir in already cooked rice.
Taste and adjust for seasoning. Stir-fry for another 1-2 minutes.
Enjoy your meal with the fried Turkey, Chicken and plantain.