US President Donald Trump on Thursday welcomed Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny to the annual Saint Patrick's Day reception at the White House quoting his favourite proverb.
He said: This is a good one. This is one I like, I've heard it for many many years, and I love it.
''Always remember to forget the friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember those who have stuck by you.'"
Twitter has been buzzing about it, that if the US President meant to quote an Irish proverb, many Irish people on Twitter say they've never heard of it
So where does it come from?
Nigerian Bulletin has identified the words as coming from a Nigerian poet Albashir Adam Alhassan. It was also found out that Albashir was born in Kano state of Nigeria on 3rd of March in the mid 80s. Parents hailed from Niger state of Nigeria. His poem, Remember To Forget can be found here