Fresh from winning The NextRated award at the just held Headies, Holl Up crooner, Mr Eazi has hit out at Tekno Miles, another Nigerian musician, who dissed the awards and got disqualified by the organisers about a week ago.
Hear him: “My manager @mistameister said from day 1 “Mr eazi is a brand” we had to either be like an Apple or a Tecno! Niche or Mass! We choose Niche”

Veiled as the dig may be, it has brought out harsh criticism from the ever buzzy Nigerian social media following, thereby putting Eazi on a long struggle to justify his post. Apart from the Tekno dig, the post also compared brand superiority between Apple and Tecnodevices, in something that seems to be a bad review for the Tecno brand as he classified them as a ‘Mass-Driven’ company . Certainly, all of the allusions are aimed at Tekno Miles, but this might just be a shade gone sour in terms of Mr Eazi’s brand appeal to Tecno or related brands when the matter of endorsement pops up in the future.

For those who may raise questions over Eazi’s nous on the subject matter of technology appraisal, well, for your info, he studied at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in Kumasi, Ghana, where he graduated as a mechanical engineer.

Eazi has responded quickly to criticisms about his tweet, saying he is not dissing nobody or any brand. But the word is out already and subject to different interpretations. All said and done, even though he has activated denial mode, do you believe Mr Eazi went too far against Tecno the device and Tekno the musician? Is it pride or just an attempt to elevate the award he just won? Whatever, Mr Eazi needs to watch his controversy tilt. Celeb Police says so..