Hillary Clinton has finally made an appearance hours after her defeat by Donald Trump at the US polls.
Addressing her campaign staff and supporters after the campaign, Clinton supported by her husband and VP candidate, Tim Kaine said, “Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he (Trump) will be a successful president for all Americans.”
"This is not the outcome we wanted. I’m sorry we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country."
“You represent the best of America, and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I want you to remember this: Our campaign was never about one person or even one election. It was about the country we love.”
"We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America—and I always will. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”
"Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years, but all the time. Our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger,fairer America we seek. And I know you will.''
"I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey. To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude. We thank you for your graceful, determined leadership.”
"To Bill, Chelsea, Marc, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers, and our entire family—my love for you means more than I can ever express."
"This loss hurts. But please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it. To all the women...who put their faith in this campaign and in me...nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion."
"We have still have not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling. But some day, someone will. To all the little girls watching...never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world."
“We are stronger together and will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that. Let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary. Let us not lose heart. For there are more seasons to come and...more work to do.”
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