Greaty Greaty is a Gospel Artist & Minister, from Nigeria. He reflects the true picture of God, As he spreads the Goodnews of the Gospel through music.
'Sunrise', a song of all time, a song that speaks to the hearts of many who wanna sow on eagle's wings, believe your difference as God's child. Arise for there is a Sunrise!
Download and be blessed!
Lyrics - Sunrise
Solo 1:
Lord you are my God and you’re my strength
You raised me up when I was down…..
I give you the Praise. (x2)
Lord you are my strength
Lord you raised me up when I was down…..
I give you the praise. (x2)
Lord you are my God…..
Solo 2:
Lord you are my God
You are my strength
You lift’ me up when I was down…..
I give you the Praise.
Lord you are my God
You are my strength
You lift’ me up when I was down…..
Oh, I give you the Praise.
Lord you are my strength
Lord you lift’ me up when I was down…..
I give you the praise. (x2)
Solo 3:
Lord you are my God
You are my strength
You lift’ me up when I was down…..
Oh, I give you the Praise. (x2)
Lord you are my strength
Lord you raised me up when I was down…..
I give you the praise. (x2)
Lord you are my God
You raised me up when I was down…..
And you brought me to my feel,
I give you the Praise…..
Solo 4:
Lord you are my God
You are my strength
You lift’ me up when I was down…..
Oh, I give you the Praise. (x4)
You are my God
You are my strength when I was down…..
Give you the praise.
You are my God
Oh…….. I give you the praise…..
You are my God.
Bless your name Jesus,
Cause you’re God
There’s no one like you.
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