Artiste – Oritse Femi
Album – Corporate Miscreant
Features – Kosere, White Man, Citiboi, Shokah, Reekado Banks, Flekta Man, HHS
Producers – Dabeat, Hycienth, BeatByBen, Obodo, Puffy Tee, Citiboi, Young DLabel – MSN Gang/Arogunmenite Sounds (2016)
Duration – 72 minutes
Corporate Miscreant is the Musical Taliban’s fifth studio album. Oritsefemi has been in the industry for quite some time and it is surprising he is still on the B-list. I don’t know what inspired the album title but I strongly doubt that it is a track on the album. With the only notable name on album being Reekado Banks, Oritsefemi did little on collaboration.
Corporate Miscreant is a compilation of efforts from 6 producers. Below is an objective tour of the album.
No Dutty: There is just something about this track I love, its tempo is very different, Oritsefemi tried to rap on this and it was not all that bad, proper introduction.
Happy Day: From the name you can guess what it would sound like, it is a typical jolly good track, groovy but nothing special.
Eyo: Anyone who remembers the popular ‘eyo’ song can relate to this. This track is a remake of that song; it is basically a tribute to Lagos and the eyo masquerade.
Baby Boo: With his voice, you already know that Oritsefemi can slay any love song, which is exactly what he did here.
On Rewind: Started out like the track had a message to deliver until the beat kicked in and then he went dance hall on it, another confusing track on album.
Freestyle: The track is a bit confusing, it sounded like freestyle but it actually isn’t. It was simply a total waste of studio time.
Korrekt ft. Kosere: Oritsefemi should know not all songs must be on the album; this song had no business on the track list.
Sanumi: Heard this song and I did not know when it ended. Maybe it should not have been included. Oritsefemi was making an attempt to bring back the ‘flog politican koboko’ vibe but it was not as good.
Ongbalarami: Oritsefemi knows how to slay a galala sound. This is exactly what he did here the only flaw here is that he started chanting ‘gomina’ and it had me confused about the song title, maybe he recorded the song immediately after dropping the gomina track.
Awo Ewaa: This track has a good a message as well as good tempo. I noticed the chemistry between Oritsefemi and Dabeat on every song they worked on.
Olo Noni: This is one of those tracks to listen to if you are feeling down and need your spirit lifted. It is one of the few tracks with a strong message on this album.
Baby Oku: This track should not have made the list. Oritsefemi had nothing to offer on this track.
Emi Ni ft. White Man, Citiboi & Shokah: Okay, so this track was supposed to sound hardcore, which it did but the problem here is the track was bit too crowded. Also Oritsefemi got lost within the sound, he had very little to do here.
Mr Gomina ft. Reekado Banks: When you have Reeky tom tom on a track you should expect a sick sound. Also, kudos to Dabeat for the flawless production.
Omidan: At first I was enjoying the ride on this song until I heard ‘row, row, row your boat’, I just gave up on the song. It would have been a decent track, if only it had a better hook.
Ara N Bada ft. Flekta Man: A typical Oritsefemi song, nothing much to say here.
God Pikin: Oritsefemi returned to his hometown. He used his native tongue in conveying his message on this track. From what I could deduce, the track is gospel.
Ile Aiye ft. HHS: Channelling Fela’s spirit, Oritsefemi was speaking wisdom on this track with the help of singer HHS.
Fine Woman: This is probably one of my favourite tracks; it was all shades of good sound. The only flaw is it sounds a bit like Patoranking’s my woman, my everything.
Knack Am: An average track, at first it sounded like a high life but the drum was way too fast for the piano.
Give Thanks: This track was a closing remark to the album and I must say there is really no better way to end the album than with a gospel song about appreciation.
One thing, despite not having any A-list or B-list producer on this album, the production did not suck. If you have been a loyal fan of Oritsefemi since day zero, then it won’t be hard to digest this album. Although he failed to deliver on a couple of tracks, all in all it is a good album.
Rating – 2.5/5

Reviewed by Daniel Enisan
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